It is so hot and humid here I feel like I'm back in New Orleans. We have been blessed with some much deserved sunshine however by late afternoon it's raining so hard you can't see across the street. This is often accompanied by these
micro burst of winds strong enough to uproot trees that have been standing for 80 years. Our weather pattern is really messed up. But this is New England, if you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes and it will change. I just notices I haven't shown any of my crafts lately .This is a shopping bag that I crocheted.Was too lazy to find a pattern so just winged it.It's been so long since I picked up a crochet hook that I'm not sure if I did any real stitches . I'm thinking of lining the bottom third. Haven't made up my mind yet.What would you do?

I got my friends hooked on these mini hand and
face clothes from Canadian Living craft department and Betty from our stitch and bitch was sweet enough to make a set for me. She used a Greek cotton and it is really wonderful. Of course being born in Athens she doesn't miss an opportunity to support the Islands whenever possible. If you are interested just go to
http://www.canadianliving.com/ hit the craft department and look for a pretty vintage towel. The face clothes are from another
blogger friend. She has it in her sidebar with a llink to the pattern.

This is my fun project.I cut strips from some of my husbands T-shirts,connected them like you would rubber bands and with a size 11 knitting needle I have been doing a bathroom rug. It's just knit every row as long as you wish and you wouldn't
believe how thick and comfy it is. I think I see Christmas prezzies coming. I never thought these colors were right for him but, don't tell him you heard that from me.................said the hobbit
Love them!!!! Your blog inspired me to try my hand at knitting. I'm on my third dishcloth. I'll post pix soon. Now I need more cotton, sigh!!!
I just learned how to do a YO and already thinking about my next project, a scarf with a cable pattern, well once I master the YO.
The rug is a great idea! I love my knitted dishcloths. Thanks for the inspiration!
I'd line the bag. I always find I end up using them for everything and then stuff falls through the holes.
LOVE the bathroom rug, now to try and pry Gareth away from some of his t-shirts!
Lovely work! I love the bag you "winged"! Wow that is gorgeous!
I see you are having a crazy summer. We are too, which is unusual. It's been cool and rainy instead of warm to hot and moderately dry. I don't mind the weather but the kids are upset to not swim much this year, who would be complaining that it's too hot ordinarily... LOL I hope to be blogging again regularly soon.
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