Receiving is a difficult thing for me.I am always quite shocked when people say"here ,I got this for you".Well that happened several times last week.First there was coffee beans from my friend Jeanne. As some of you might remember I cut the budget a little short a few months ago and found myself short of coffee for 3 days till Sarah came to my rescue with enough ground beans to make it to the next shopping day. This exercise in economy is also teaching me to waste not want not as they say.Last month when making my trip to a local outlet, I discovered they had NO regular coffee beans,but ,a 1lb tin of decaf with a hint of cinnamon was available for a mire $4 a lb. What a deal !! Hubby doesn't drink coffee so $4 for the month was some kind of savings.Once upon a time I would stop at Dunkin Donut twice a day for my coffee.I've come a long way baby.Yeah, well this was over the edge. Let me tell you Decaf with cinnamon is no substitute for a regular coffee drinker.I swore I would use up the whole lb.and I did.You will never see me make that mistake again.Aside from the fact that flavored coffees are not for me.I soon discovered that not having your caffeine fix will give you one massive headache.Thank goodness my friend heard of my plight and GAVE me an emergency 1lb of coffee which should get me back on track.

And then there's my good friend Cloe. She lives at my place of work and while I was sitting on the porch enjoying a bit a sunshine she decided to join us with a friendly bit of cuddling. She's the friendly one.The other cat is Hobbs,very needy,always checking to make sure you know he is around. Is that a male thing?Hmm?Oh that reminds me.Aprils total for grocery expenses.I purchased a total of $141.24 or $4.70 a day. Year to date:$428.19 This was my biggest month so far.Warmer weather seems to make us eat more.............said the Hobbit
Nice to have a friend help you get rid of your caffeine headache. You made a haul this week!
Oh the kitties just love you. Always the way! Take a picture of your broochy and blog it so I can brag about how fun it was to make, puh-lease. I had fun thrifting today. I accidently bought more Pyrex on Ebay afterwards - whoops! Now I'll be getting some refrigerator dishes!
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