Here we are back in the big city.I'm trying to catch up to all that has happened these past few weeks and it really has been quite the whirlwind.Everyday I have 3 or 4 things I want to tell you however there just doesn't seem to be enough time.As I mentioned before we stayed at the Hyatt next door to Grand Central Station.If you like to shop,you could spend the day at the station and not see everything there. I chose one shop to explore completely and will save the rest for future trips. I obviously plan on going to the city for at least another 100 times or so.

This trip I chose
Pylones This is an adorable shop with things just a little quirky.You know we all have those friends who appreciate a purchased gift with it's own special panache.One of my gardening friends will surely like these trimming clippers and I doubt if they will ever misplace them when they lay them down in the grass.They kind of reminded me of the movie Beetlejuice.

Then I spotted this roly -poly sugar dispenser.Some of his squares are clear so you can see the sugar .His head is the cap and the spout is his crown.I couldn't resist.I'm sure he'll make a great gift for someone.Hmm let's see who will it be? The Hobbit is sworn to secrecy.Although a really good eclair can make her spill all.Don't tell her you heard it from me.After going through all the goodies I had to go to Sullivan street in the village. There I went to my favorite shop ,
Purl Soho. 
They actually have 2 shops .One is for fabric and the other is for yarns.They are 2 doors apart but, on the same street.When I first knew I would be in the city I had hoped to attend a class with Betz White the author of Sewing Green.Due to Hubby being a little slow with the details of our trip I was unable to register.While perusing the fabrics I lamenting my misfortune and told the salesclerk how sorry I was to have missed out on meeting her.You guessed it, I was telling my tale of woe to none other then the author herself.We had a good laugh about it and I soon discovered that she will be in N.H. for a class this summer.All is well in my world.I couldn't resist purchasing a few yards of fabric.Red and white is my favorite so that will be for me and the children's print will make something special for Isabella ,who is 6 months old. I hope to get something done up for those summer strolls on the beach. Well that will have to do for today. It was Mothers Day and I hope you all had a great one. I know I did.I have 4 children and every one of them called or saw me today.What more could I ask for............said the Hobbit
Great to meet you! Hope you can make it to Squam!
I have been back here 3 times to finish reading this blog. For some reason I kept getting interrupted.
Am so glad you had a nice Mothers Day and what a fun trip you had - loved the handles on the snippers!
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